
Is Trusting Easy?

I believe in life you meet people for a reason. Sometimes the reason is not a good reason. You might meet someone who will bring you down so low in life or someone who will make you a better person or someone who will make you laugh or smile. It's not easy to trust everyone in your life and sometimes its even hard to know if the one's you trust are the one's you should be trusting or not.

I always hear people tell me "don't trust anyone". I guess that includes them as well. Why do we trust those who make us think that we can't trust anyone but yet we trust them? Why must we trust at all? What kind of world do we live in that we can't trust anyone. In life we have secrets, we have moments of joy, moments of sadness, etc. It's just normal to want to share those life experiences with others. However, we trust that person to keep our business to themselves. We don't expect our friends to go out and tell the entire world our business. We expect our friends to maintain that bond and trust we created so that our friendship may continue to grow. However, you will soon find out that there might be a friend who will deceive you. That is why that person is in your life, to remind you that people can be deceiving.

So why is trust so hard? To some, trusting is very easy and not so easy to other's. If we don't trust someone, why don't we tell them? It's funny because if someone didn't trust me I don't think I would want to know but at some point I need to know so I can know my boundaries. What has someone done to you recently that makes you not want to trust anymore?

1 comment:

  1. I am guilty of holding my cards close to my chest. I think you've got to trust others to a point, but never depend on someone so wholly that it will destroy you if they let you down. There are plenty dishonest friends, family members, and co-workers out there who will take advantage of you or spill your secrets. Even good, well-intentioned people can hurt you. I've seen it enough to have a cautious cynicism.
