
Love Is Not Easy

My husband has been so wonderful. I have been blessed to have met such a guy. When people hear how we met they tell me that it was meant for us to be together. Either way, the time I have spent with him has been wonderful. I can't imagine my life without him.

Being married has bought a lot of respect to myself from not only family and friends but from me. I have learned to be more respectful and caring to other's. A lot more people tend to respect those who are married and raising a family together. I have heard a lot of older people tell me stories how they met and how nowadays couples just don't take marriage too seriously. When I tell them I have been married for eight years now they look and talk to me with more respect. They love the fact that a young couple such as my husband and I have been married for such a long period of time. Being married isn't easy at times but it's how you work together that will keep your marriage going for more and more years.

The main thing about being married is that you have to keep finding new ways to love and cherish the one you have. You should never let the love you have disappear, you have only one life, why not love and care for those who love and care for you. It's a simple concept but it is also very hard at times but love should never be forgotten. I don't want to carry such a heavy heart thinking that if he loves me that he will do this or that. I want him to know that I love him and I will do my best to show it. Showing the one person you love them isn't going to bring you any regrets later in life. If someone doesn't want to show you they love you, don't get mad, there might be reasons why they don't show it.

Some think that showing too much affection is a sign of weakness. I don't think it's a sign of weakness. I think it makes a person strong to show who they really are by telling people how they feel about them. Only a few strong people can be honest with each other and only a few people can be strong enough to be the first one to say "I Love You". I remember that I never wanted to be the first one to say it because I didn't want to loose him over those words. I didn't know how he would have taken it. Would he leave and never want to talk to me again? Would he say "I love you too"? What would happen when those three little words come out? There's so much emotion involved. We are all afraid of heartbreak. However, once we say those words it becomes easier and you wonder why you never said them earlier.

I have heard many people say that loved and trusted someone so much that they got hurt. Life is full of hurt and so much more. What will life be have we not learn how to love and have a heartbreak or love and be happy? Falling in love shouldn't be complicated right? We all want to be happy, we all want that feeling that we love someone and they love us back. Just because we experienced a heartbreak doesn't mean we have to give up on love. You have to be happy yourself and you have to love again so that the happiness will bring you greater joy. Falling in love again and again is just a way of us knowing that all things are possible. You have to keep falling in love again and again with your spouse. What qualities do you have that will make someone fall in love with you over and over again? What qualities does your spouse have that will make you keep falling head over heels for them? Look at your spouse and yourself, what makes you two special? Everyone is special in their own ways.

Life is short, we should never give up on opportunities to tell each other "I love you". You never know if you will live to see another day. That's why it's important that if you are fighting with another or having issues with your brother's, sister's, parent's, children, etc, you should always end the argument by saying "Either way, I still love you". You don't want to regret the words you have said should something happen as you walk away from an argument. Sometimes you have to be the bigger person, the more mature one and make peace with one another and really tell them how you feel. Just because an argument arises doesn't mean it's time to give up. You have to keep working hard at a relationship so that the trials and tribulations you face will make you and your relationship stronger. You have to learn from your mistakes and never make the same mistake twice. Listen to each other, give each other advice, tell them how you feel and always make sure that when you walk out that door you always tell your spouse, kids, parents, etc, that you love them, even when you are mad. Don't ever loose the opportunity to tell them that you love them. Don't ever give up hope that love is wasted. You love someone for a reason, not for regrets.

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