
Bullying and Your Children

Bullying has become more and more serious over the years, even to the extent as suicide. As parents, we need to be responsible for our children's actions and the way they behave. We need to teach our children values and morals. You can't just say "oh they are just kids, let them play". You might think its OK but that other child who is being bullied or harassed might think otherwise.

As parents, we need to teach our children how to deal with bullies and how to not become a bully. At the same time, we also need to teach our children to stand up for themselves for when they do get bullied and take the appropriate steps to resolve the issues. They need to feel comfortable coming to you for guidance and therefore you should make yourself available to ease their pain, help them through this and step up for them.

I have never been bullied or been the bully, I've been lucky. But as a parent I teach my kids about bullies and what to do. Some parents will never do that and that is what makes bullying a hard issue to over come. I love my kids, they are my life and I wouldn't want anything bad to happen to them but I can't prevent everything and I can't be by their side 24/7 holding their hands. But, what I can do is teach them and help them when I am around them and pray for the best. I might not know the answer to every question they ask but you better believe I will search for an answer or seek advice from my husband regarding the issue.

Maybe if parents and children take the following steps, we can be one step closer to stopping this madness.

  1. Charity.  Teaching your child about giving to other's and having them help out at a local charity might help your child be more caring and giving. There are tons of non-profit organizations out there that would be more than happy to have your child go and volunteer so that they learn young about charity and the meaning behind it.
  2. Support Groups. If your local school doesn't have one, you might want to suggest it. Sometimes talking to your own peers is more helpful and easier. Having a group of your own peers come together to stop the bullying and assist those who are bullied will help create a strong bond against bullying.
  3. Keep Your Child Involved in Activities. If your child is busy with activities they are more than likely too busy to think about bullying. If you get a complaint stating your child is teasing another child, give your child more responsibility so that they won't have time to think about bullying anymore.
  4. Know Your Children's Friends. I can't stress this enough. You have to take the time to get to know your children's friends and their parents. I have wonderful communication with my children's friends and their parents. It's very important because if your child is hanging out with the wrong group you would know this through how they respond to you when you communicate with them. You will see the way they are being raised through their parents and the type of behaviors they have. This helps you be prepared for when things happen you know who you are dealing with. This also shows their friends you are involved in their lives and that they should help keep their friend out of trouble because of this. It also allows you to go to their parents and notify them of any negative behaviors.
  5. Create a Buddy Group. If you have a child that is being bullied, either at the bus stop or walking home from school or even at school, you need to have your child have a buddy or two who will walk with them to and from school. If you are available to watch them from a distance then do it. But sometimes when your child is walking with a good group of friends, chances are they will be less than likely to be bullied.
This topic is very tough to discuss. There will be more to come in part two. For now, please leave any more suggestions or ideas or even thoughts about being a bully.

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